23 September 15:00-17:00

Monday, September 23, 15:00-17:00

Ignite Pilot Fast Track 

Join us in this Masterclass especially designed by Ignite Sweden for startups that focuses on the journey from the initial matchmaking meeting to successful pilot project. The Masterclass aims to help you increase the rate of your POC with corporate and public sector customers and the speed at which you close these deals.

In this 2-hour Masterclass you will learn:

  • The importance of formulating common and measurable goals
  • How to map stakeholders and decision-makers
  • How to carry out a professional needs assessment
  • How to present your solution so that it matches customer’s challenges and business pains
  • The success factors and the different criteria used by the public sector and private companies e.g. the decision-making processes and the procurement rules
  • How to deal with opposition, negotiate the pilot price and close the deal

This Masterclass is part of the Ignite Matchmaking Program and has been created together with our Head of Sales Training Christian Malmsten, one of Sweden's most experienced B2B startup sales coaches. He will also facilitate the program.

Who can participate?

Startups that have signed up for Ignite Sweden are welcome to participate in this Masterclass. Please note that startups who had meetings in the past calendar year through Ignite will be given priority to join, as there are limited spaces available.

Your participation is funded by Vinnova. More information is found below.

Practical Information About the Ignite Pilot Fast Track

Date: Monday, September 23
Time: 15:00-17:00
Online on Zoom
Language: English
Questions? Contact us at info@ignitesweden.org


This Masterclass is part of the Ignite Matchmaking Program, which also includes the meetings we facilitate during our matchmaking events and the sales boost that we hold prior to them. For your participation in this program we receive funding from Vinnova (referred to as "verifieringsmedel" in Swedish) for assisting you in finding potential customers to verify your innovation covers the cost of this course.

If you haven't had any meetings with potential customers through Ignite in the last calendar year, you can still participate in this workshop , but note that startups who had meetings will be given priority to join, as there are limited spaces available.

Please note that a 2000 SEK no-show fee will be charged directly to your company if you fail to inform us that you cannot attend within 48 hours prior to the session.

Meet our Head of Sales Coaching

Christian Malmsten

Christian is the mastermind that has developed the unique methodology behind Ignite’s successful sales process that has led to over 600 collaborations between startups and corporates. For the last years, he has coached the startups that have taken part in our initiative on how they can best sell their solutions to B2B customers such as large corporations and municipalities. Christian is an experienced coach and salesman who has worked in sales for 26 years and helped over 300 startups within areas such as IT, ICT, sustainability, and life science for over a decade.

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